Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bus Pass

Uninspired is how I feel as of late and it is probably why I am not blogging. I started this to help myself and found with great joy it was helping others, I want to come to you with overwhelming numbers and tell you how great I am feeling, alas, still on the long journey but haven't yet arrived. Health issues keep knocking and I keep trying to send them packing. On the upside I was so happy to talk to a friend and reader and hear how well she was doing and to see pictures of her improvements. There are some small milestones for me, cholesterol is better, I don't get tired as fast and I have done well on my long days on my new job which I still love, love, love. I just wish my paycheck would love me as much! I see so many cool dogs and cats that come in and happy animals always make me feel better!
Big life changes with my youngest starting high school and my middle one starting college. I have been missing my oldest who lives in another state. Life always seems to be moving at the speed of light and if you are not careful you just might miss your Cosmic Bus or be flattened by it!
So ring the bell faithful friends, I've still got my teeth, my nose is just a little bloody and I am going in for another round!

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About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.