Saturday, July 10, 2010


Well I did not fall off the planet, just the blog for awhile.Major life changes.All good...all time consuming! I started this weight loss adventure in January and since then I have lost about 17lbs with PLENTY more to go. I have been on at least 3 different plans throughout this time period.For the past 12 weeks my daughter and I have been attending a spiritual based health program called "First Place" it has really been helpful and we have been exercising as a group and supporting each other,our next thirteen week session is coming up.Every so often I will let my self relax and then I have to put myself in check,I am finding this kind of venture really takes faith, patience and the big D...discipline.On this program you make healthy choices,count calories,exercise and particpate in a daily bible study and weekly meetings with the thought being that the main element missing weight loss is incorporating God and scripture. I am feeling better with more energy and enjoying my job,still losing...very slowly but still losing!

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About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.