Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Insomnia Is Thy Name

It is 5:16 here on a very blustery morning and I am awake yet again. I guess you could say last night was a good night's sleep in my book ,because I probably logged a total of about three and a half hour of zzz's.

They say sleep is key to so many things going on in your body,mental health,immune system, metabolism. On the flipside extra pounds can cause you to snore and lose sleep. Lose weight to sleep better,sleep better to lose weight.Houston we have a problem!

I am awaiting results from a recent sleep apnea test. In laymans terms sleep apnea is when you stop breathing in your sleep, one cause can be extra weight and a thick neck. You don't have to be overweight to suffer from it, but it is the cause in many cases. You could sleep for two hours or ten but never feel rested. Falling asleep at the drop of a hat at various times of the day is not unusual nor are conditions like fibromyalgia or sore joints and muscles. Our cells repair at night during sleep, so if you haven't caught on yet it can be a vicious cycle. If the test I took shows cetain results they will give me a machine called a c-pap to help me breathe and sleep better.Honestly , it's been years since I have had a full nights sleep, for an adult that is at least seven hours.

I have heard of people who have weight issues who start to take off pounds right away, once they start sleeping with a c-pap machine. They have more energy to stay on top of things and to exercise.

It is funny the things you start to grasp at when your weight spirals out of control. Could it be thyroid? Medications? Genetics? You watch every discovery channel special about people with some rare condition that couldn't lose weight until they were treated and then the weight just started falling off.You talk yourself into every symptom, convinced the responsibility for this problem can not solely be yours.

It's 5:46 and I am starting to fall asleep at the keyboard....Ahh come sweet sleep....... at least for an hour!zzzzzz


Anonymous said...

My biggest fear isn't sleep apnea or the need for gastric surgery, it is that I just lack the self control (which should be a spiritual fruit in me)to change my eating and exercise habits.

If I am very honest with myself, and I am usually not, I would admit I would like it to be something other than the fact that I am willing to risk my health and my self esteem out of pure laziness. So, if you find there is a rare disease...I want it.:)

Cheri said...

Hey, Jennifer! So glad to see that you are blogging! Blogging has been very therapeutic for me and I think it will be for you too.

Count me as one of your cheerleaders in your journey. Do you mind if I put a link to your blog on my blog's sidebar?

JAC said...

Welcome! I think you are right, it is already something I really look forward to. No I don't mind if you link my blog.

JAC said...


It sounds as if you are already being honest with yourself and that is definitely a start.I suppose one way to approach it is one day at a time,even one hour at a time if you have to.God mercies are new every morning and His grace is sufficent for us. We are only defeated if we chose to never try. Hang in there.We can do this thru Him!


About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.