Monday, March 22, 2010


It is Monday and I slept in...I needed it, I stayed up to the wee hours of the morning searching sites that were hiring and sending out my résumé. I also had the joy of watching a horror movie on tv about people who wander into a town of wax to find that they will be the next on display! I am one of those people that has to see the end of a movie no matter how scary or stupid it is!

I forgot how demeaning it can feel to take all that time answering questions and sending out your resume to never even get a response and how patient you have to be when starting out. I am caught between a feeling of being blessed enough to not have an urgency at this time in finding employment to knowing that big house payments are around the corner and it would probably take some pressure off to have extra income coming in. It’s just like reading a writer so good, any prior pride you had in your work goes out the window. When I entered a humorist writing contest in February,
I just believed I was going to be discovered as the next "Erma Bombeck" turns out I am not the only one who thought this, I did not place and that's ok. A little disappointing ,but still ok

I have to remind myself that my value is not wrapped up in my resume or whether I have success writing or even the weight loss I am trying to achieve. I serve a God that was willing to sacrifice His only son for me. I am of value to my Creator. He is the one with a distinct purpose for me and His ways are not my ways . It could mean that I end up flipping burgers and laying down fries at the age of 42 but what ever I do I know I am supposed to do as unto the Glory of God.

There is something so wonderful about a storm and rain beating down on the roof. Just the sound of it can be calming, when I was a kid I would take my dog outside and the rain would come down on us and feel so refreshing and smell so good. No matter what was going on in my life it would help just to "be." Weigh in is Wednesday, we have been feeling pretty good with our food choices. I am learning to identify times when I am at risk such as.....I am very tired or just tired of cooking or when my daughters have friends over and we order pizza, ANY time during the beginning of the weekend seems to trigger something in all of us.

I really feel like going out in the rain today and washing away some of this excess baggage... Care to join me?

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About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.