Monday, March 8, 2010

You Don't Say...

It has been an interesting,LONG week... I decided to try a more tailored plan that I found while searching out low carb foods online. Jorge Cruise has a new plan for women over 40 with very, very, limited sugar, veggies, proteins and whole grain carbs ,you are supposed to be able to lose between 4 and 9 lbs a week and weigh in is Wednesday but here is the kicker, my daughter wanted to lose weight for graduation and my husband thought he needed to lose a few, so they decided to follow along and I am not going to lie... it did make things 100 times easier, to plan meals, easier to stay on track. We started last Wednesday and one of the best results we have is physically feeling better, especially any chronic tummy problems we usually deal with. There were days we wanted to cheat and days we were really hungry but for the most part we have stayed on track and our grocery bill has been cheaper due to not eating out. My little Skinny Minnie pretty much ate her usual...whatever she wanted! I think my favorite comments of the week came first from my hubby when he picked up McDonalds for Slim and said he never realized how hard it was to smell french fries and burgers without the option of eating it, especially while hungry. The second comment came from my graduate who did wonderfully ignoring a table of treats (cookies ,brownies, etc.) at an awards ceremony and later proclaimed, "You have no idea how hard that was Mom!" You don't say...Catch you up later this week on our actual losses.

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.