Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Put One Foot In Front Of The Other...

So it's my day off and I just don't want to step on the scale. It seems like I am seeing the same results...up 3... down 2,down 2... up 1 and I know it's my fault, behaving through the week and then loosening up on the weekend. Looks like I am not going to see an 8 lb weight loss like I planned this week.(Shocker right?)

I have a cool job and I am really enjoying it so far, it is as a Receptionist for a Pet kennel in an arty community near the water and I am a big animal lover along with being a people person so I am really blessed. I have talked about my health issues throughout this blog but some things I kept to myself because they are pretty personal and in fact are part of what make me change and try to refine my diet often. Two disorders that I have problems with effect my bladder and bowel function and what I eat and drink can make the symptoms worse or better, so a lot of times what is suggested as good for weight loss, is not actually good for these conditions. Take coffee for instance a low calorie treat that is actually good for you in many ways but the acidic content can cause problems at times, as well as citrus, yogurt, artificial sweeteners and chocolate, the times I eat can effect whether I am going to have tummy problems and of course drinking much of anything can cause a lot of issues for the bladder. Stress, nerves,(getting nervous about getting nervous) new things, good or bad, can wreak havoc on my immune system. As you can imagine, starting a new job even a fun one, has presented some challenges with this. My very first day I had such bad stomach problems due to nerves, I was in fact late... I chose to just be honest I basically just called and said I was so excited about the job, I got a little sick to my stomach and I was on the way. What else could I do? Luckily, my boss is really mellow and seemed ok with it, though a hundred different imaginary conversation scenarios between her and the co owner ran through my head about the new girl they had hired but I just dismissed them to my over active imagination. This is me ...this is who I am, it’s not who I want to be, it’s pretty embarrassing and a big pain but there must be a reason. Once again this calls for a diet change, one that I know to some is not considered that healthy but unless you have walked in my shoes... So this is what I have to do... lots of a pro biotic supplement, a small probiotic yogurt, peppermint tea,water,a few nuts throughout the day and a low calorie protein shake and banana equaling about 470 calories and then pretty much a normal sized dinner and dessert and coffee. My calorie limit to lose is supposed to be around 1900 so I am going to try to keep in mind calorie counts for dinner and not go under 1200 or over 1900.Do I get hungry and fuzzy throughout the day? Yes! But do I want to spend my work day camped out in the bathroom? NO! Sorry if this is TMI but quite frankly it is just another element of life for me and many others and learning how to deal. Soooo, my stomach has been on good behavior and I just can't imagine with the cut back in calories NOT losing, now as I adjust to working, I will add exercise and my goal is just 15 minutes a day of some sort of concentrated movement, doesn’t sound like much but it's more than I am doing at the present time!

This has become rather long, drawn out and definitely not amusing, so I am going to bid adieu. I have already picked my next topic and it's going to be about the information we are overloaded with concerning dieting and how they all seem to conflict and drive us crazy! Until then I am going to just keep trying, you never know when a victory could be right around the corner as I heard a recent speaker say(Joel Olsteen) and if you don't put one foot in front of the other. You won't arrive!

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About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.