Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Information Overload

It seems like every time you pick up a magazine, go to the bookstore or turn on the TV, someone is talking about the latest greatest way to lose weight. There will be promises of "new" breakthroughs or eating whatever you want, with testimonials by people who swear this is the only program that ever worked for them. Here is just few examples of how they all can contradict on another and confuse us...

Atkins = fruit, bread, sugar, potatos, bad. Fat,protein,good. Fat Smash = Fruit, all you want, yogurt, oatmeal, good! Susan Powter = Eat what you want like a big stack of pancakes with syrup just forgo the butter, very low fat, sugar ok. Gorge Cruise = fruit yogurt, bad, burger fries, good,very low sugar. Carb Addicts diet = eat whatever you like, potatos ,fruit, pasta ,dessert but fit it in only one hour of your day the rest of the day is salad, protein and diet soda. Gwen Shamblin's Weigh Down Workshop = eat whatever you would like only when you are truly hungry, pray through when you are not! Cabbage Soup diet = self explanatory plus a lot of gas! Some say watch only your fat, some say only your calories, others say get all of your food groups in, exercise till you drop, just walk, exercise is not necessary. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day is one most agree on, although I am sure I heard recently that is starting to be disputed! Only organic is also very popular right now. This is just the tip of the iceberg and some of these diets may have changed since I did them. There are thousands more to go ..based on body type, blood type, age ,hormones etc. Is it any wonder I can't decide what exactly to do? I can tell you that all of these have worked to some degree for me, probably because no matter what, you are eliminating something to cause a deficit in calories, some work faster than others but usually those are the one that the weight comes back on pretty fast with a little more tacked on. Oh, I forgot glycemic index foods like brown rice versus white, sweet potatos versus white potatoes and how about vegetarian? Does anyone have a headache yet? I kid you not... a bunch of hair just fell out of my head! Bald AND fat is the look most of us 40 something women pull off so well!

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.