Saturday, March 27, 2010

Stress And Scones

Ever blink and a week had past? I weighed in Wednesday and was so aggravated, I couldn't even blog about it! Up 3 lbs! Seriously? Trying to remain calm and not turn aggravation into a binge...although after that, I made friends with a blueberry scone. The scone did not disappoint like my friend the scale but that kind of thinking is what helped get me here in the first place.

It HAS been a stressful week and I noticed that tends to make me go up or at the very least stay the same on the scale. First we had a tire blow while our daughter was driving alone, then that same daughter broke her foot while practicing for the Spring Musical, My dog got so ill he could hardly walk and I thought I was going to lose him, my other daughter's on again/off again boyfriend went into mean mode with her at school and she was pretty traumatized, then I got called in for an interview with a company I thought I was a little under qualified for (Shhh! Don't tell them I said that.) My understanding is stress causes cortisol levels to go up and that makes it harder to lose. What's weird about that is it seems like when you are young and stressed tend to lose weight!

Spring break is here and my house is a wreck, so now I have to dig deep and get things back in order. Hmmm a blueberry scone sure sounds good right about now...


Kate said...

Don't do it. comfort foods and stress go hand in hand.

eatting that scone is only a temporary feel good solution. The stress is still there and now your weight is being affected too.

find something else that will help you beat your stress and prevent stress causing further problems along the line.

Good luck

JAC said...

Thanks Kate,you are right!


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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.