Wednesday, February 10, 2010


We are officially in the middle of a second snow storm of this winter in the state in which I live. I have resided in the South a big majority of my life so this is... different. My poor husband has shoveled so much snow, he is literally dreaming of never ending snow drifts that keep filling the more he shovels!

Cold is not always easy on you if you have RA,it causes a lot of stiffness and fatigue, so again I find myself frustrated that I can not assist him more. I know his shoulder hurts so I try to baby him with icepacks and hot drinks and by cooking.

You know something that sounds delicious in a winter storm? Chocolate chip cookies! Warm and fresh out of the oven, I feel a bit jealous of all my friends making posts about their baking, knowing that if I indeed baked chocolate chip cookies I would most definitely them!Temptation occurred yesterday when we managed to get out of the house before more snow hit. I had done well with my eating, we ate out and I had salad, broccoli and broiled flounder but my sweet husband had bought 1 whole pound of fudge in every variety for Valentines for the girls and I. I don't even like fudge anymore, my mom used to make it when I was kid and I would eat half the pan! Anyway I convinced myself I would cut the tiniest sliver off of each one and taste retrospect I should have not tasted at all because my slivers ended up being larger and more than one piece and within ten minutes I had a stomach ache which is probably good because that has kept me out of the box since!

When it is cold, it feels like your body goes in "Bear" mode... let me store up some yummy fat so I can hibernate! Unfortunately my body has already done this for me, so I can not accommodate it's requests.

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.