Monday, February 1, 2010

I'm Giving It A Third Of What I've Got Cap'n !

It’s Monday and I have no big scale news, unless you call kicking the scale across the floor big. I own one of those electronic scales and occasionally I find I have to get on it, move it, and get on again, usually the third time’s the charm and whatever number comes up and sticks… is the correct one. Today it said a 1Lb,1.5, then.5 loss then +1,which is when I decided to step away from the scale...I will take comfort in the fact I am feeling slimmer and my clothes feel looser and just call it even until next week.

Ok so it's truth time...eating wise I have been doing pretty good, exercise...not, water...not and getting to bed early definitely... not. My most successful week was when I was doing all those things. Time to shake off the dust, February is a new month and I am thankful for a 10lb loss. I am learning this is about so much more than weight,its hokey sounding but it's a journey. I did accomplish sending a writing piece off to the Erma Bombeck competiton, I finished yesterday and I think I used all 450 words allowed in the word count, I will keep you updated.

Speaking of’s my birthday… it’s my birthday this Sunday so I think for my goal this week, I would like to see a 3lb loss, that would be a nice present. So hopefully next week I can say; I'm giving it all I got Cap’n!

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.