Friday, February 5, 2010

I 'll Take Middle Age For A thousand Alex!

It's Thursday and I have tried to not mention any more illness because sometimes this blog feels like a tribute to the family medical records but I have had the flu this week and at any given time since Sunday I have wanted to ball up in the fetal position and cry (ok so I did once.)I think I am finally coming out on the other side though exhausted and weak. I am going to try my best to get some light exercise tomorrow.

When I write, I secretly imagine the responses of others...I guess it’s no secret now ...anyway, some of them go something like this..."Man she sure is sick a lot." "Do you think she is just using that as an excuse for not exercising?" “Do you want some cheese to go with that whine?"

When you have an immune system working against you which is the case of Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid Arthritis it seems just when you start to feel normal... (cue the Jaws theme song) it finds a creative way to attack and any stress good or bad only adds to it, so I find being in the military, it take me about a year to recover fully and fight off whatever strains of illness I haven't had previously. That is usually the case of military kids in general, if they have allergies or asthma, they must adjust to the area and any strains they haven't dealt with so vitamins definitely become your friend. I usually know I am feeling pretty good when I get brave enough to take on a job or some other endeavor which means leaving my comfort zone at home. I don't like to commit if I can't follow through. It's also helpful to be at home to help the kids adjust. I really do tire of fielding questions right away from people about working and I try not to respond with sweet answers like "Give me a break... I just moved for the 50th time, sold a house and I am now putting up with moody teenagers on top of bones that feel like somebody beat me in my sleep!" I know they are just trying to make polite conversation but have we hit such modern times that I am required to feel guilty? I grew up with a single Mom who had to work her arse off to make ends meet so I get that some people have no choice and I do understand.

It really comes down to feeling comfortable in your own skin, which is something most of us find difficult. It’s funny, just when your mind starts to feel more comfortable with who you are; your body turns on you a bit, there is hair growing in unwelcome places and falling out of the welcome ones...little wrinkles hold up(or down) the skin around your eyes like curtain ties...freckles are replaced by age spots...your hands look like they belong in a Vaseline Intensive care commercial ...clothes don't hang the way they should and no matter how cool you look, it end up looking like you are trying too hard.

I am hoping I get my birthday wish of a three pound weight loss but right now I'm not feeling it...”Name a time period when weight loss gets even more challenging?” “Uh, what is Middle Age Alex?”


serious-snook said...

Jenny! i finally recieved your blogger account and now i will be your number one follower! you are always so funny, when i read this i could see you saying this out loud!!! you write so well Jenny!

JAC said...

Thank you A. miss you!


About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.