Monday, February 8, 2010

What Goes Up...

If you saw a square white UfO flying over your house don't be alarmed it was just my scale after I drop kicked it. I have put on 2.5lbs!If this were paper you would see the tracks of my tears.

Actually this is not that uncommon on my battle with the bulge,around six weeks my body goes into rebellion and I begin to question if I should be doing something else. I refuse to back down, I am not giving it in.Full speed ahead!If next year I do have to have some kind of gastric surgery, it will not be because I haven't tried everything else first.More water! More veggies! More fruit! Less fat! Bring it on baby...I am not going down without a fight.


Anonymous said...

I know you can do it! Most things that are worth having, must be worked for, integrity, relationships, wealth, health, knowledge,etc. In most things we are successful some of the time, but occasionally we slide backward. Then we must take another step, sometimes a giant step. I am so proud of you for making this effort. Your transparency in this effort is commendable. Please know we are cheering loudly for you. The shot has just been fired and you have sprinted to begin this race. Keep running and you will finish this race. Love you!

JAC said...

Anonymous,Thank you for taking time to encourage me...It is very much appreciated!


About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.