Friday, January 29, 2010

Faith Leaping

Now that I am exploring the writer in me, I am reading and watching things pertaining to this endeavor. Finding that many very famous writers are "angst" ridden is not very appealing. In light of J.D. Salinger's death and studying about him a bit and watching a movie on the poet Lord Byron . Hello? Can anyone say Edgar Allen Poe; I am finding notoriety may not always be a good thing. Then again, you want to be noticed as a writer, being noticed means being read and being read may lead to being published which may it turn lead to an income which would mean more writing! We Humans love a good drama soaked life don't we, the kind filled with torrid affairs and reclusive behavior to which we say "Ah she was just a tortured artist, too good for this world." That is not my intent here. I had my share of difficulties and injustices early on in life like many others I know and I may chose to expose those to be cathartic and to help others. I am thinking I am more a humorist, an Erma Bombeck type which brings me to this...a leap of faith. I was looking up information pertaining to Erma and the first site I found was looking for submissions, there is a writing contest for humorist type writers; the participant gets a little exposure, 100 bucks and free entrance into one of the weekend workshops. Coincidence? I think not. The thought came to mind I would use something from this blog but it has to be new, I will admit I went blank…writers block for about 10 minutes and then the floodgates opened. I don't know which was scarier but I think I choose blank. There is not much time, it closes on Sunday night. A deadline, you've got to love that. My heart is actually pounding a bit faster at the thought. That's good right?

Tune in Monday for an update on my health quest. As of this morning I am down another pound, I just had to get on the scale because I have been so (put your own version of a strong word for emphasis here!!) HUNGRY, sensitive and grouchy. Planning to drink more water and do some major grocery shopping…on a good note, my jeans are falling down!

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About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.