Sunday, January 3, 2010

Healthy Girl Walking....

January 3rd and I feel like I am headed down a narrow corrider
towards a new life.I will probably wake tomorrow feeling the same
but with an awareness things must be different. Three more "last"
meals of whatever to clean living!

This is not the first attempt to lose weight ,not even close,yet I am fully aware that this HAS to be the last ,it has to take. I don't want gastric bypass and don't want to be limited anymore.Life is short,not an original statement but true.

I had talked about Kryptonite before and came to a realization
as a military wife of 21 years moving around every 3 to 5 years and
being left to tend to things on my own for short or sometimes very long periods of time definitely contributed.Eating your lonliness or anxiety can be easy to do or planning healthy meals can go out the window with car breakdowns,bills to pay or unruly children,sometimes Mc Donalds becomes a bandaid or Hersheys becomes your faithful friend.That is no ones fault but my own.There are other ways to deal with things,jut like an alcoholic must learn to rely on God, not the bottle, food is not the answer.

On another note,thanks for the support I am already getting from readers;
If you have tried to make a comment or become a follower and had trouble, could you let me know so I can report it to Blogger? Apparently this is an issue as of late with other bloggers as well.Just facebook me and readers whom I don't know yet, please try again in a couple of days. I have changed my template hoping this will help.See you on the other side of the corridor!


Anonymous said...

Well while walking down the corridor be sure to enjoy the walls, the colors, the smells...they may not be familier, but they don't all have to be bad:) Enjoy the journey my friend.

JAC said...

Thank you Anonymous!

Cheri said...

You go girl!

No trouble commenting here, but I'm glad to know that it might be a blogger problem. No one has commented on my blog for a few days and I'm sure it has nothing to do with my content! :)

I was especially expecting someone to say 'my what a cute grandson you have..'.

Regarding heading down a narrow corridor to your new life - you can do this!

JAC said...

Thanks Cheri! I know you have cute grandkids, I mean it's in the genes right?LOL


About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.