Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You Don't Want To Know What I Would Do For A Klondike Bar!

I would like to tell you that Funky Monday turned into Terrific Tuesday but as you know I hate lies but I am finding a little melancholy makes for a lot of inspiration. When you are in a pit sometimes you must find something to pull yourself out, you may end up doing some soul searching in the process, soul searching I find, makes for good writing if you go deep enough but that's for another time, not for this blog, maybe you will see it on a bookstore shelf someday.

Something else happens when you feel a little funk, your guard can go down, in this case it's been my food guard but so far I am still fighting the good fight. My girls did not make it any easier by wanting McDonalds for dinner, when you are fighting the fight and HUNGRY a Big Mac and french fries does sound (and smell) really, really good, did I say really? One of the things I can do is remind myself of the benefits later, such as slipping that beautiful engagement ring back on my chubby little finger, new clothes, oh and of course avoiding a heart attack!

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.