Wednesday, January 6, 2010

It's All Good

As exciting as it has been for me to share this blog,I have to remember that although it feels like I am bearing a lot of my soul and revealing much about myself,it's not going to seem that important to others who don't understand what blogging can do for a person.It's something that can't be explained, it has to be read, some people just don't enjoy reading and others don't have time.

Honestly , I am hoping that down the road I could do well as a writer and I know this is a doorway that could help with my skills. I feel like I am at this place in my life where I need to find a clearer path, reclaiming my health is a big part of this.I know that when people hit their forties they are looking for more meaning and questioning choices they made earlier in life for career paths.One thing I am truly blessed with is a kind husband and healthy children that love me and I realize not everyone has that support ,granted I am the live out loud, tell me how you really feel chick, while my family looks on in amusement!

It has been a real emotional week for personal reasons involving others who would probably choose not to be written about. I will say that everday so far this week, I feel like I have taken an emotional punch to the gut from some important people in my life, but hey, if you watch the boxers work out that's how they get stronger, to quote Wheezer from Steel Magnolias, "That which don't kill us makes us stronger." So if my year continues like this, look out Chuck Norris! To top this week off, I have a cold,it is really hard for me to rest without feeling guilty but seriously are unfolded clothes going to cause a hole in the ozone layer? Putting ourselves first tends to be a problem in a lot of overweight people and I don't mean in a selfish way, I just mean in taking care of ourselves so we can be around longer. I am a Christian, so I believe God gave His son Jesus the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live .Our lives matter.

I am doing well with my eating plan,the Doc told me I don't have to count calories but when you eat this way it seems to stay on the low end anyway. I am aware I have not shared a starting point or main goal but I am just not ready . Most people know that you have to be a least a hundred pounds overweight to have Gastric Bypass and that my doctor brought it up to me, so it's pretty much a given I need to lose a least one hundred pounds.I will be weighing in on Mondays,so I will be posting my results then ,good or bad.

Taking a break for a couple of days to recoup and regroup.What do you know I'm a poet too!

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About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.