Monday, January 11, 2010

Later Continued...

So here it is a week in and I have lost 2 lbs. If you are looking for Biggest Loser type stats, you probably won't find them here any time soon but I am ok with this and the reason is, I have been on a million diets in my lifetime with all kinds of results, some big and some small but 2 lbs is reasonable. It means in the last week even while not feeling up to par with a cold and almost no exercise, I still managed to cut out about 7,000 calories.If I were to lose only this every week for the next year, I would lose 96 lbs and that my friends, would be a victory! I also expect as I lose more, I will move more and that will burn some calories as well.When we watch some of these shows on tv or read certain things, I think we can get unrealistic expectations, some of these people have never dieted in their life and have huge amounts to lose, their bodies respond extremely fast to a totally new way of eating and moving.Most Doctors will tell you that 1-3 lbs a week is what you are looking for if you intend to keep it off. We are a microwave nation,we want it yesterday and when we don't get it ,we move on to the next fad or give up because we didn't get it the way we wanted.

I think I am beginning to get my groove back. I am more aware of what I consume during the day as far as trying to get more fruit and veggies in.I plan to do some squats and light weights this evening and learned some new exercises I can do with no equipment or a gym that will strengthen my legs.

I am so excited to have over 100 hits! Thank you for your time and's only going to get better from here[she says with a twinge of anxiety.]

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.