Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I'm Not Hungry, I'm not Hungry!

I am up past my designated bedtime but I am feeling inspired after watching The Biggest Loser and now I am watching Half Ton Teen on Discovery Health and wanting to yell at this Mom who enabled her son to get this large! Hopefully she will knuckle down and be tough. It's hard to give tough love and it's hard to receive it too. Who am I to judge? My weight has spiraled for the past 18 years.This kid is twenty and I am sure this was not her intentions.

I did walk my dogs tonight after cooking a healthy dinner,salad and fruit for lunch ,oatmeal and tea for breakfast, peanuts with raisins and sugar free pudding for snacks. Honestly, I do feel A little hungry but I will survive.I also have to watch my fat intake due to cholesterol, along with my carbs and no sugar.After watching The Biggest Loser and how hard they are pushed to exercise it made me feel I could do more,but I have to remind myself their situation is different with trainers and doctors and I am actually feeling well as of late and pushing too hard in the beginning isn't the best idea. I have been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia and while losing weight will definitely help these conditions there is a fine line I have to follow to push some, but not too much. I have to be careful to not use this as an excuse as well.

Shopping was a bit of a challenge... low fat,low carb and sugar free, but there is plenty available, it mainly consists of lean meat, veggies and fruit. My grocery cart was much lighter although my bill wasn't,healthy eating isn't always the cheapest but I know it is worth it.

I had an appointment with my GYN and when she and her assistant found out about my resolution and this blog, they were super supportive and I think I may have a new reader or two!

Going to bed now, I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry......

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.