Friday, January 1, 2010

Late Night Kryptonite

It's here...2010, cue the ominous music. The clock is ticking to a new resolve, two days until lift off. My daughter's friend has been visiting this week and the food she can put away has astounded even us. I am already on my last leg of "eat what you want" and she is not helping,or maybe she is. This kids favorite food group is french fries and she loves to bake. Now when you are 17,it's not as harmful as when you are 41 but I did make her go through what she consumes in a day and showed her how much fat and calories she was going over for a teen girls daily recommendations. I encouraged her to get her blood pressure and cholesterol checked when she got home.In sweet tea alone the calorie count was 800 calories!

Just as I was patting my self righteousness back, I was made aware of my Kryptonite....cue the music again, as if a big mystery is solved, dunh, dunh, duunh...... middle of the night eating! If it's not during the day ,the calories and fat don't count right? Wrong! I found myself up in the night, finishing off a lot of carmel corn, about 3 full servings at three in the morning.It occured to me how many late night snacks I have eaten since I don't always sleep so well. Cereal in the middle of the night,cookies, pudding,ice cream. Part of the reason I eat in the middle of the night is the same reason I stay up late. I can watch what I want,eat what I want and relax ,no one is around and I don't have to worry about other responsibilities,cleaning,kids,husband, etc. This is allowed no more.

My sleep apnea test actually came back fine ,my blood tests, not so good.High cholesterol and pre diabetes "better come in and see me" was the docs note at the bottom. Shocker? Not really ,all those conditions the docs and magazines warn you about I have been able to avoid until recently ,now they seem to be hitting hard.If you have read my previous blogs, you know that my new plan starts the 4th of January and that is the day I go see the doc,so hopefully he will give me the eating plan we had discussed and I can follow that, otherwise I will be forced to sift through all the plans I know and choose one.Why Monday in particular? The kids go back to school,all my guests are gone ,parties are over and it is not on the 1st like every other New Years resolution!

Something I have tried to do the past couple of nights is get 7 hours of sleep and I have felt a bit better. Sleep hygene is important on my list this year . Less TV,more sleep,less food,more sleep,more sleep,more energy.

I am unsure about revealing what I have been enjoying but I am pretty sure I won't be seeing these foods for sometime, if ever, so if you are watching what you eat diligently,you may want to skip over this....

Bacon cheeseburgers,fries,chinese,Starbucks,chocolate,Kryptonite, I mean carmel corn! Chicken pot pie,fudge covered oreos and red wine. It looks like I tried to make sure there was nothing of reasonable health benefits in my buffet!

Some more forms of Kryptonite are slowly surfacing as I start to dig deep but I will reveal those another time.Happy New year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the kryptonite idea...maybe if I can look at it as an enemy and not as a lover I am being forced to give up I can more easily let go....


About Me

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I am a 40 something trying to pursue new dreams and discover what I want to be when I grow up.